VIP471 Video Insertion Processor
PHONE: 714-979-3355 OR 800-235-6960
FM Systems, Inc. announces a new Video Test Signal Generator for FCC-required Video Performance Testing of CATV television channels. The VIP Video Insertion Processor enables the Cable System operator to test TV channels without interfering with the television program or interrupting the program to connect a test signal at the Cable Head-end. The FCC Video Performance Tests require special test waveforms to be applied at the Cable Head-end and then measured at test locations in the cable system.
The VIP test generator applies these test signals in the Vertical Interval where they do not interfere with the program being viewed by the subscriber, and also inserts these test signals on each channel in turn without interrupting the program each time the test signal is applied and disconnected.
These features enable the Cable Operator to perform the FCC tests during regular working hours and even during “Prime Time” without interfering with programs and thus incurring customer complaints. The present alternative is to perform tests “at 4:00 AM” with testing personnel out in the field at those hours. The VIP Video Insertion Processor not only reduces subscriber complaints, but also promotes safety by enabling tests to be made during the day.
This innovative new concept was designed, developed, and is manufactured in the USA by FM Systems, Inc. To obtain additional information on this new product.
Contact FRANK McCLATCHIE at 800-235-6960 or 714-979-3355.